What kind of system will it be after the green revolution transpires? What system shall we provide to the people of Pakistan and what will they gain from this new system? That is the question now to address. Here I present the salient features of the new system and its plan in brief.
After the revolution, the current governmental and administrative structure will be changed into new governmental and administrative system, which will be compatible with international standards—the system and democratic structure that exists in Turkey and many other developed countries like South Korea, Japan, China and the United States. The ruling class runs towards these countries for their trade and dividends but does not acquire the system from them. We shall not adopt the whole system in practice in any of these countries; we shall only benefit their experiments in participatory democracy and develop the one that meets our needs and helps building a modern governmental and administrative system in Pakistan. We know we are a hundred years afar. Therefore, we are to shape the Pakistani model according to our circumstances. Here I draw an outline of this model.
The central leader of the federal government will not be the leader of the house but the leader of the nation and will be directly elected by the people. This will put an end to political bargain, horse trading and manoeuvres to purchase turncoats.
Article 140(a) prescribes to put in place the system of local governments, devolving power to grass-roots level. To make clear the concept of democracy and devising a system, I present here a few examples.
I have presented a model of modern system and true democracy. Why are we going in the opposite direction? Are we from a different planet? Why is there dictatorship in the form of electoral authoritarianism in Pakistan? Why is all power and authority centralised at centre and four provinces in the hands of prime minister, provincial chief ministers and their families. We reject this system on the same basis. Here the development funds are only operated by MNAs and MPAs who misappropriate and embezzle the public money. The corrupt politicians do everything possible to realize their political interests even if they have to make 18 to 20 amendments in the constitution. Every amendment targets gaining greater power and facilitating underhand deals with main political actors to ensure the continuation of their corruption. It is also an irrefutable bitter reality that not a single amendment has, so far, been introduced in the constitution for the betterment of the masses.
Under article 140(a) of the constitution, it is the responsibility of every province to set up a system of local government and devolve political, administrative and financial resources and authority to District, Tehsil and UC (union council) levels so as to make them run the system. To date, this has not been implemented. Is it not rebellion against the constitution? My question is: what is the current status of the constitution? Here all the steps that reduce the power of the rulers taking away authority and resources from them and make the masses strong devolving power to them are desisted and abstained from. On the other contrary, they do not hesitate amending the articles any number of times that enhance and buoy up their power and authority. Today, the people of Pakistan want to make clear through these nationwide protests that the clandestine deal between two parties and those religious parties that are always in government will not work anymore.
Power and authority shall be devolved from the centre to lower levels. The centre should only keep key ministries to deal with currency, defence, foreign policy, higher education, energy, in-land security and counter terrorism. All other ministries and departments will be transferred to the District and Tehsil levels.
Under the new system, every division of Pakistan will be awarded the status of a province. In this way, the number of provinces will be increased from four to thirty-five to ascertain that power, authority and resources are devolved down to the District and Tehsil levels and do not remain centralized in the hands of a few thugs. The budget of the governor of every province will be that of a provincial minister or the commissioner of a division. First of all Hazara province will be raised. Commissions were formulated, resolutions were passed in assemblies, and, above all, the people of the region embraced martyrdom for the new province, but the elected authoritarians and the state terrorists did not listen and care for their sacrifices and just mocked them away. In like manner, priority will also be accorded to new provinces in the lower Punjab regions.
To ensure maximum and productive participation of people in governance, 150 governments will be established at district level while 800 governments will be set up at Tehsil level in the whole of the country. The 800 Tehsil governments will consist of 400 city governments and 400 rural governments.
Over 6,000 Union Council governments will also be raised to take the authority and power sharing to the grass-roots level.
Village councils and ward administrations will be set up at the rural level.
This is how over 1 million people will be involved in governance. They will consist of both paid and unpaid personnel. The unpaid ones will comprise the volunteers. This is how the true democracy will emerge which we want to gift to 200 million Pakistanis through a peaceful green revolution.
We have completed our homework for the system that Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) wants to enter into force. The white papers are ready. As soon as power is transferred to the people, the new system will be announced and put in place. We will set up our political party government. It will rather be a government and administrative set-up, taking qualified and educated people from the entire nation. They will run the government. The participatory democracy will then take shape.
4.2 Reconstruction of Judicial Structure for Inexpensive and Speedy Justice
As the present system is centralised and resources are only confined to a few hands, it proves of least benefit for the people. It only exhausts one in the process. People are forced to go from civil courts even up to the Supreme Court spending a lifetime in the struggle but justice only proves a mirage that drifts afar until the seeker turns up his toes. People fail to get justice even after spending decades, selling all their moveable and immoveable properties and assets. Justice remains a dream and only leaves the plaintiffs and the defendants in the lurch.
When I was a lawyer in Jhang, an old man came to me with his suit. It was his grandfather who had brought the case to the court and reached the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court referred the case back to the civil court. After spending thirty years, he was back to square one. In order to gain his rights, the old man had to sell all his land to pay for the costs. He had lost the whole of his wealth and his lifetime but could gain nothing.
Woe to the system, the so-called democracy and the beloved parliamentary structure that fails to provide the poor with speedy and affordable justice. According to an estimate, at present, as many as 1,60,000 cases remain pending in the courts of Pakistan. Who can the poor turn to? In civil cases, justice is so expensive that fees of hundreds of thousands of rupees at a time are paid, yet generations pass, and those who file the case die, with their grandchildren seeking justice, yet uncertain of the consequence.
In recent days, a case was heard in Lahore High Court. Barrister Javed Iqbal Jafri had filed a case in 1996 against 26 politicians who had laundered billions of dollars abroad, which they had mustered through corruption. Later, names of other politicians were also included. The case that was registered in 1996 was heard on May 9, 2014, which was postponed again until May 29, 2014. The case has not yet been settled after 18 years and it is not known how long further it may take. The poor plaintiffs do not get justice even in 25 years and the affluent cannot be held accountable for 25 years. Those who call it a system, democracy or the rule of law should pack up in shame.
After the revolution, the central Supreme Court will only deal with the constitutional and state matters and will operate in the federal capital. The common man will not need to travel to Islamabad.
Under the new judicial system, a seat of the Supreme Court will be transferred to every division. Every division will have become a province so it will be known as the Provincial Supreme Court. Thus, the journey to the Supreme Court will end at the divisional city.
High courts will be transferred to the Districts and they will be known as the District High Courts.
Session courts, currently stationed in Districts, will be transferred to Tehsils.
There will be union council courts set up below the session courts. All minor cases will be heard in the union council courts, and speedy justice will be provided at local level.
First of all Insaf (justice) Committees will be set up that will come under the union council courts. Insaf Committees will consist of the area’s respectable, honest, educated individuals of good character who have an understanding of the law and the Shariah. These committees will be given proper legal status so that the day-to-day minor cases and disputes can be resolved there. Bigger cases than these will go to union council courts.
The state will provide lawyers for the poor. These services will be provided free of charge. The poor will not have to pay any fees at all.
When a crime takes place, the police will be required to register the First Information Report (FIR) within 24 hours and forward the case to a court within 3 days. The victims will not have to keep visiting the police station to chase but will only report the crime to the police station even if it is only possible by telephone.
• Criminal cases will be decided within 1 to 3 months
Criminal cases will be decided in one month. The second month will be given for the first appeal and the third month for the second and final appeal. In this way, the criminal cases will conclude in three months from the day FIR will be registered to the final appeal.
Civil cases will also take 6 months from their beginning to the final appeal. In this way, people will be provided with free and speedy justice. I have completed my homework on the new judicial system. It will be implemented as soon as governance is transferred to the people and new provinces are formed.
Now the question arises as to what the people will get from the revolution and the new system. I am giving a 10-point revolutionary charter that has the following salient features.
1. Every homeless family will be given a house and middle class families will be given interest-free loans refundable in 25 years
Homeless families will be given free plots ranging from 3 to 5 Marlas. Interest-free loans will be provided for the construction of the houses, to be paid back in 20 to 25 years. The families unable to borrow and return loans will be presented with the keys of ready-made houses. According to official figures released by the Pakistan government, Canada’s CIDA, Japan’s JICA, Britain’s DFID and the USAID, there are 15 million registered homeless people in Pakistan. If these 15 million people are divided into families, the cost of providing them with 2 to 3 bedroom houses will amount to Rs 700 billion. Therefore, it is possible that the government pays the costs or provides interest-free loans on flexible terms and refundable within 20 to 25 years. Besides this, international donor agencies also provide loans for homeless people.
2. Every unemployed person will be provided with adequate employment or given unemployment allowance
It is common practice in Pakistan that rulers, politicians and the elite plunder billions of rupees under the cover of loans and then default claiming bankruptcy. Furthermore, they also manage to get 25 year stay from courts. This leaves quite a bad influence on our younger generation. Seeing a lot of foul happening without any unpleasant repercussions, they too feel encouraged to default on loans in the same way, saying what harms in acquiring money and backing out later. We do not want to take the people to this crooked path. We will provide employment to youngsters through job planning. No graduate or someone having technical education will remain unemployed.
3. The low-paid will be provided with daily necessities (flour, cooking oil, sugar, rice, milk, lentils, pulses, plain cloth) at half price.
4. For the lower middle class, all taxes added to the gas, water and electricity bills will be withdrawn. They will be provided with these utilities at half rates of the actual tariff.
5. State health insurance system will be developed through which the poor will get free medical treatment.
There will be a facility of state health insurance for the poor and a system for national health service will be set up by which they will receive free medical treatment, including all necessary medicines. In Pakistan, approximately 100 million people, almost half of the population, are deprived of adequate healthcare. In order to provide them with adequate healthcare, the government of Pakistan already receives billions of rupees in aid from international donors under the head of health sector. This is a heart-rending fact that this aid is not spent for the purpose and is embezzled and pillaged through corruption methods. The masses do not know these details. They should be aware that this money is donated for them. Unless these corrupt rulers are done away with, they will continue the loot and keep the poor deprived of this aid coming from international donors.
Pakistani doctors work all over the world against handsome packages and earn millions of dollars a month. They feel enthused with the noble ambition to finance to build basic health care units, rural health centres and small hospitals in Pakistan. However, the corrupt politicians and establishment are a demoralizing factor who impede them by their heinous anti-people designs and activities; they disallow them to risk spending their hard-earned wealth for a noble cause to please their Lord. The truth, however, is undeniable that they want and can set up a network of excellent hospitals all over the country.
6. Free and compulsory education and a uniform education system up to matric level
Education will be free and compulsory up to matric under an equitable and homogeneous system of education. Parents will not be allowed to keep their children from education. The violation of this policy will be liable to punitive action. Those desirous of higher education will be provided with opportunities and the admissions will be based on merit.
In Pakistan, 30 million people are deprived of adequate education. The Pakistani government receives aid worth 200 billion rupees annually from international organisations for higher education. The tragedy is that the foreign aid goes into the pockets of corrupt rulers, politicians and bureaucrats. This is, however, not amazing because if the food and warm blankets donated for flood victims are stolen and taken to the so-called rulers’ homes, how will they spare grants and aid for education from whatever source they reach them?
7. Free 5 to 10 acres of agricultural land for the poor growers
Out of 200 million acres of the total territorial expanse of Pakistan, 100 million acres are agricultural land half of which is privately owned. The remaining 50 million acres divided into 5 to 10 acre units will be distributed among the poor farmers, destitute tillers and lesser cultivators.
8. Women will be provided with respectable employment through home industries for economic stability. They will be given complete socio-economic security by doing away with discriminatory laws. All oppressive laws will be revoked.
Women will be provided with opportunities of employment and means of living through home industrial units so that they divest themselves of dependence and economic assistance and support. Their economic stability is a pre-requisite for their deliverance from coercive and discriminatory laws and customs. Women in our society are subjected to domestic violence, forced marriages and honour killings. They are also denied formal education in backward areas. To set them free from these fetters and perils, black laws that contain women freedom in society will be appropriately amended. This is applicable to both Muslim as well as non-Muslim communities. The post revolution set-up will set the things right by providing the womenfolk with economic independence.
9. Disparity between the pay structures of all senior and junior public and private sector employees will be minimized to the maximum possible extent and the pay scales will be revised afresh.
10. A revolutionary policy will be devised to eliminate sectarianism, terrorism and extremism from the country. Ten thousand peace-training centres will be established for training the people. The Syllabi of seminaries will be revised and amended to promote the cause of peace and intra-faith and inter-faith harmony. The whole society will be purified of extremism making it moderate so that peace, security, prosperity, progress and development can be guaranteed in this country.
Through these steps, conducive environment will be created in the country for investment. This will not only attract big or small traders to invest their capital in Pakistan instead of taking it abroad but will also invite foreign investors and Pakistanis living abroad to invest in Pakistan.
How shall we resource the revolution? Here is a categorical reply. This country has unlimited resources. I shall only mention three aspects to this issue.
In order to make this revolutionary manifesto practicable, corruption, first of all, has to be eliminated. To begin with, the looted wealth will be retrieved from Swiss banks. There are 13 banks in Switzerland where laundered money from other countries is deposited. Only two of these banks hold 100 billion dollars deposited by our rulers and political and religious leaders. After revolution, all of these leaders will be brought under controlled and through an agreement with the Swiss banks the looted wealth will be retrieved. An impartial body will be set up which will recover Pakistan’s looted money according to the agreement and international laws. In this way, we shall change the plight of the poor citizens of Pakistan.
The government has also adopted a deceitful approach towards this issue. Why does the government not state on the floor of the parliament the names of those who hold Swiss accounts? The names of the corrupt should be put on record but the finance minister will never do this, nor will he make public the relevant report.
There is no dearth of natural resources in Pakistan. Almighty Allah has blessed this land with such rich mineral reserves as morph Pakistan into a wealthy nation like Saudi Arabia and Iran. The tragedy is that the electoral thugs who claim to be the champions of democracy have, to date, not allowed these minerals to be excavated. They are busy refining methodology and linking up with foreign actors to gobble and gulp these resources worth billions of dollars and deprive the pitiable poor nation of this colossal gift of nature.
Sadly, in last 65 years, none of the rulers have given any serious thought to this huge treasure nature has offered us, nor have these thugs permitted any excavation. Yet they claim they are democratic leaders of the nation who come to power with the mandate to rule over the country for 5 years. Whosoever lays bare their ravage and plunder is blamed to be an anti-constitution element going to create anarchy in the country. So they ask for revolution.
Allah Most High has blessed Baluchistan with so much of natural resources that Pakistan can become as prosperous as Saudi Arabia and the UAE in about two decades. We shall advance in this direction in the very first year after revolution and transfer of power to the people of Pakistan as envisaged in the preceding pages. That is destined to change the living conditions of the poor.
The actual issue is that the rulers do not let it happen because their priority is the commission they are avaricious to settle with the foreign companies and are disinterested in and indifferent to making Pakistan a prosperous country and change the destiny of poor Pakistanis. They are so jealously hostile to the masses that they do not tolerate anyone else becoming moneyed and affluent.
The present rulers have held several meetings with foreign actors to sort out the issue but they ask for 10 billion dollars in advance, before signing the deal, in addition to their share, which they are hungry to fix separately. They are conducting negotiations with eight of the world’s largest gold mining companies. They have had meetings in Dubai, London, Jeddah and New York in this regard. If required, I can also state the dates of these meetings and the addresses of the offices where they held these parleys. They first ask for bribery and kickbacks and have cast the nation into the hell of terrors, tortures, arsons, massacres, extortion, kidnapping-for-ransom, robberies, plunder, suicides, prostitution, gang rapes, acid attacks, domestic violence, brutality, immorality and evils that beggar description. Only Almighty Allah knows if they have faith in the Hereafter and the Last Day accountability.
The third means of providing resources for the implementation of the revolutionary agenda is the elimination of corruption. No one will dare perpetrate corruption of any form after the revolution and take-over of power by the people.
Corruption in Pakistan deprives its economy of 100 billion rupees a month, although the reports reflect 1500 billion rupees per annum. These are official figures. The former Chairman NAB and international agencies also concur. Bribery, kickbacks and commission are the types of corruption. Taking a 30% to 40% share of major deals too is corruption. Corruption is also in practice in the telephone department, electricity connections, changing/repairing transformers, correcting bills, tax, revenue and customs duty, etc. In short, not a single department or office is an exception to corruption, plunder and sleaze. The thugs are in power; they do not leave any chance to suck the blood of the poor.
If we succeed in controlling and reducing only 25% of this monstrous volume of corruption, exploitation, bribery and fraud, we can recover and save 25 billion rupees a month and spend the same to uplift the living of the poor. A 50 % prevention of corruption can save us 50 billion rupees a month. In this way, 600 billion rupees can be recovered annually from the day-to-day corruption, which will be spent to erase misery and distress of the poor and the destitute.
Nothing like transparency and accountability exists in our country. Corruption and proscribed earning and profiteering is the order of the day. In order to conceal their corruption and illicit activities, the two electoral bulls have struck a clandestine deal to appoint the Chairman National Accountability Bureau of their mutual choice or have even the ombudsman of their own liking.
According to a Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) report, Pakistan suffers an annual loss of 2 trillion rupees through tax leakage. We shall gradually control this menace by taking the tax evaders to task.
According to the FBR, 3.8 million people do not pay tax and have to be dragged into the tax net. The tax net will, therefore, be broadened through consultation with traders and other people related to the process, so that people start paying their taxes voluntarily. This will add 5 trillion rupees annually to the national income and broaden the base of the available resources.
Alarmingly, the government itself is involved in tax evasion. The present government issued 80 Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) in the past eleven months for their political people, exempting them from paying tax. This has afflicted the treasury with a loss of 500 billion rupees in eleven months. I have all the details and reference numbers of these SROs to produce as evidence. The rulers have exempted their own sugar mills from taxes and excise duty, executing tax exemptions and deductions. This is the two-pronged attack against the national exchequer. They not only evade paying tax themselves but sections of the government also exempt others to safeguard personal interests. Over and above all that, every government department defaults payments and heavy amounts are outstanding against them.
Zakah (the alms-due) is a great source of economic relief and stability for the poor and the have-nots. If Zakah is collected transparently and the trust deficit among people is reduced to zero, billions of rupees can be collected and spent on the prosperity of the downtrodden classes.
Everyone knows that before the commencement of Ramadan, people withdraw their money from banks because they do not trust the government set-up of Zakah distribution. The Zakah committees meant for distribution comprise the political favourites who hide behind false alibis and consume it themselves instead of paying it to the orphans, widows, the sick and other poverty-stricken folk, as if they have lost faith and do not fear Allah and the Day of Judgement. If the Zakah money is not wasted upon government luxury and corruption and a just and corruption-free system is put in place in the country, people will trust it and get ready to pay Zakah through their bank accounts.
Many large welfare organisations of the world are being run by Zakah donations from Pakistanis. People want to pay Zakah and spend in the way of Allah Most High. Take the example of today, May 11. We did not pay a penny to any local PAT organisation in 60 cities to arrange buses and other transport vehicles. They paid from their pockets not only for transport arrangement but all the expenditure incurred on multiple activities pertaining to these countrywide protests. They are spending for the sake of changing the system for the greater good of the poor masses and the establishment of true democracy in the country.
After revolution an independent, solid and stable economic policy will be designed and enforced. The State Bank, all scheduled banks, bureaus such as DFIs and SECP and others will be freed from political influence and coercive measures by the government especially for political appointments and transfers. In this way, all of the 58 institutions about which the supreme court gave a ruling on 22 July 2013 that the prime minister or other politicians cannot appoint their heads will be made independent. The incumbent prime minister rejected the ruling of the Supreme Court by issuing a notification, allowing him to appoint his personal employees as heads of 40 of the 58 bodies so that they could massively enjoy corruption sports under the protection of their own appointees to the concerned departments.
Loans will be taken from the IMF, World Bank, ADB and IDB only if people will allow. The parliament will approve the loans and nothing will take place covertly, keeping people in the dark.
It is worthwhile to mention here this important survey report. In 28 years from 1985 to 2013, the total amount of loans borrowed by our governments from IMF and World Bank amounted to 59 billion dollars. The average of this amount worked out on annual basis comes to 2.1 billion dollars. The incumbent rulers who once used to raise the slogan to ‘pay back loans and make progress’ have now taken a U turn, contracting approval of 24 billion dollars loan in instalments just in eleven months’ rule; most of it has been received. That is not the end of it; they will take further loans every year. In addition, short-term loans will also be taken. If this government stays in power for 5 years, it will amass debt many times more than taken in last 28 years, leaving the Pakistani generations buried under a monstrous debt.
Pakistan Railways, NHA, PIA, WAPDA, Pakistan Steel, Port Qasim, KPT, OGDC, PSO, SSG/SNG and many others are being eyed for privatisation. They were profitable or capable of becoming profitable. We will make all of them profitable again within 18 to 24 months. They will generate a trillion rupees revenue every year.
Under the current corrupt system in Pakistan, the process is reversed. Instead of making these state institutions profitable, they are being sold obviously for the rulers to make money and also to pay instalments of World Bank and IMF loans, which they have already planned how to gulp.
The crux of these facts is that, rich in minerals, our country does not lack resources. It is the electoral thugs who claim to be the political leaders with a 5-year mandate who have eaten into its roots. God willing, the popular green revolution will put the country on the road to progress and prosperity.
The government will observe austerity and avoid lavish and unnecessary expenditure. Millions of rupees creep into the pockets of MNAs and MPAs in the name of development funds. The salaries of the poor and lower level employees only increase by 5% to 10% while the salaries of MNAs and MPAs are raised by 100% to 200% through a bill passed in the assembly. Their corruption knows no limits; they go to any extent of loot and plunder. The revolution will put an end to this filth. Furthermore, the trillions of rupees wasted upon official residences of the president, prime minister, and the salaries, perks and privileges for chief ministers, ministers and advisers will be controlled in the first month by setting up the austerity standard.
The present prime minister does not even travel by the scheduled PIA flights. When he flew to Turkey with a delegation of 20, a PIA airliner was chartered from the national carrier. The plane waited for them in Turkey for three days, which caused further losses to PIA. When they were to return from Turkey, the departure was suddenly delayed. Everyone including the PIA management was shocked because of the sudden delay. It so happened that the cuisine of a certain Turkish restaurant was very much liked by the premier. Due to his engagements, he could not take that food. It was decided that they would depart after the PM had taken food in the restaurant. That delayed the flight.
This cannot be called a national leader’s attitude. With such rulers, national institutions cannot prosper; they run into loss.
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