Islam on Prevention of Heart Diseases

Prevention through Islamic lifestyle

Islam is a comprehensive system of life, which provides the best forms of balance between the mundane and the spiritual. Islam strongly believes in good human health, physical, spiritual, mental and psychological. Therefore, it has provided the mankind with a lifestyle that guarantees the prevention of diseases.

Islamic life style consists of seven major elements:
i.    Spiritual activities.
ii.   Moderate eating.
iii.  Physical labour.
iv.  Tension control and contentment.
v.   Elimination of selfishness and greediness.
vi.  Abstention from forbidden acts, foods and drinks.
vii. Adoption of certain recommended acts, habits and eatables.

If Islamic lifestyle is completely followed, the man may find himself capable of overcoming the causes of various diseases. It makes the man free of stress and tension and enables him to maintain the enthusiasm of life. Islam has placed maximum stress on removing the strains and providing the man with a pleasant life. It is stated in holy Qur'an:
The God-fearing men are those who spend in ease and in adversity; those who control their wrath and those who are forgiving towards mankind.[1]

The holy Prophet (saw) said:
Anger comes from the devil who was created from fire, which is extinguished by water. Should anyone of you get angry, let him make ablution.[2]

Control of wrath and anger, helps man to control strains and tensions, that is an essential requirement in prevention of the heart problems. In the same way, spending money for the betterment of the poor and the needy and act of forgiving others, provides man with a spiritual pleasure and happiness, which enhances the enjoyment of life.

Jealousy is the origin of various mental worries, Islam has strongly condemned and forbidden it. The holy Prophet (saw) said:
Abstain from jealousy, indeed, jealousy finishes all the good acts and their rewards as the fire does away with the firewood.[3]

Similarly, greediness and selfishness also create a lot of mental strains and worries. These are in the same way prohibited; contentment and satisfaction have been commended in their place.

This Islamic attitude of thinking becomes the basis of a pleasant life, which certainly helps in prevention of heart diseases.

Moreover, moderation is required to be observed in every respect and not extremism and over indulgence. The Qur'an says:
Allah desires ease for you and He does not desire hardship for you.[4]

The holy Prophet (saw) said repeatedly:
Ruined are those who insist on hardships.[5]

Islam commands that one should not overburden oneself, as stated in the holy Qur'an in the form of a prayer:
And (Our Lord!) do not lay on us a burden that we are unable to bear.[6]

Although the physical labour is strongly recommended by Islam, but under the principle of moderation and balance.

These are some of the instances of Islamic lifestyle, just to elaborate and substantiate the idea of a tension-free and balanced life that Islam has commended to adopt.

This tension-free and balanced lifestyle provides the man with a very profound basis for prevention of heart diseases.

1. Qur'an (Al 'Imran) 3:134.
2. Abu Dawud, Sunan.
3. Abu Dawud, Sunan.
4. Qur'an (al-Baqarah) 2:185.
5. Muslim, as-Sahih 2:339.
6. Qur'an (al-Baqarah) 2:286.

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