Minhaj Books Islamic Library: Explore Over 700 Islamic Books

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has authored 1,000 books in Urdu, English and Arabic languages. About 640 of these books have been published so far. His works have also been translated in many languages of the world. His revivalist, reformative and reconstructive efforts bear historic significance and hold an unparalleled position in promoting the cause of world peace and human rights, propagating the true Islamic faith and teachings of the Quran and Sunna. In addition, 11 books by Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, 46 books by Professor Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, and books by other authors have been published on this website.

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Quran on Management

Quran on Management

Management in the Qur’an is not merely about power and control but about responsibility and service to humanity. Introducing a groundbreaking book on the Qur’an and management, this insightful guide brings together timeless wisdom from the Holy Qur’an with modern leadership practices. It offers a clear exploration of management essentials, from key functions and levels to various management styles. The book also highlights the qualities that define an effective Muslim manager, showing how these traits can lead to outstanding leadership.

Tasawwuf ka Lughwi Ishtiqaq awr Manwai Istehqaq

Tasawwuf ka Lughwi Ishtiqaq awr Manwai Istehqaq

اس کتاب میں شیخ الاسلام ڈاکٹر محمد طاہر القادری نے ناقدین اور منکرینِ تصوّف کے تمام اِعتراضات و اِشکالات کو حدیث، تفسیر، فقہ اور تصوّف کے ائمہ کی توضیحات اور فرمودات کی روشنی میں ردّ کیا ہے اور تصوّف کے معنوی اِستحقاقات کو مستند شواہد کی بنا پر واضح کیا ہے۔ اس کتاب کو پڑھنے کے بعد قاری اس نتیجے پر پہنچتا ہے کہ تصوّف کا منبع اور سرچشمہ کتاب و سنت ہے۔ اس کی اساس اور بنیاد میں کسی خارجی، غیر عربی یا غیر اسلامی کلچر اور فلسفے کا سرے سے کوئی دخل نہیں ہے۔ کتاب میں تصوّف میں دَر آنے والی غیر اِسلامی رسومات پر بحث کرتے ہوئے نام نہاد صوفیاء کی نشان دہی بھی کی گئی ہے تاکہ ان سے اپنا دین و ایمان بچایا جاسکے۔

Subul-ul-Ushaq (Auliya Kamileen aur Aslaf ke Ahwal o Waqiat ka Zikr)

Subul-ul-Ushaq (Auliya Kamileen aur Aslaf ke Ahwal o Waqiat ka Zikr)

پروفیسر ڈاکٹر حسین محی الدین قادری کی یہ کتاب "سبل العشاق" اولیاء کاملین اور جلیل القدر اسلاف کے ایمان افروز احوال و واقعات کا مجموعہ ہے جو انسان میں اصلاح کا داعیہ بیدار کرتا ہے، اخلاق و سیرت کی تشکیل اور قلب و روح کی بالیدگی کے لیے مؤثر ہے، اور تعلق باللہ کے استحکام کے لیے ایک تیر بہ ہدف تحریر ہے۔

Beyond the IMF

Beyond the IMF

As global economic challenges, inequalities, and debt burden continue to plague developing nations, Beyond IMF presents a compelling solution through Islamic financial principles. This insightful book offers a transformative approach to achieve economic independence and prosperity for the Muslim world. It draws upon historical concepts like Mu’akhat and explores modern financial tools such as Waqf (endowments) and Zakat to create sustainable financial structures.



"Etiquettes of Disagreement (In the Light of the Quran, Hadith, and Traditions)" is a comprehensive book that outlines the principles and manners of constructive discourse, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the Quran and Hadith in scholarly debates. It urges scholars to focus on universally accepted issues, uphold moral values, and underscores the significance of choosing words carefully when discussing subsidiary matters. Through the moderate and balanced approach of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, the book encourages transforming disagreements into avenues for intellectual growth and fostering harmony within the Muslim community.

Cryptocurrency (Ilmi aur Shari'i Muhakama)

Cryptocurrency (Ilmi aur Shari'i Muhakama)

Cryptocurrency (Scholarly and Shariah Analysis) is a comprehensive book that presents the history of currency from the Prophet's era to the modern digital age. It offers detailed discussions on the legal status of digital currency, its types, the intricacies of blockchain technology, and the position of cryptocurrency in Shariah law. With answers to important questions and Shariah verdicts, this book is a vital resource for study.

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Irfan-ul-Quran is a unique, comprehensive & self-sufficient translation of Holy Quran where general reader does not need any exegesis.

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Shaykh-ul-Islam is a prolific author and researcher. An unrivalled orator and speaker, he has delivered over 5000 lectures (in Urdu, English and Arabic).

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MQI started its monthly magazine Minhaj-ul-Quran in April, 1987. Since then this magazine is serving the cause of the prophetic mission of MQI regularly.

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Islamic Curriculum on Peace and Counterterrorism by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. 25 books written as part of peace curriculum are in English, Arabic and Urdu languages

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